Productivity is the true measure of success. LMI Canada’s Effective Personal Productivity program is designed to accomplish just that. Through it, we empower you with skills for enhancing personal awareness, fine-tuning your efficiency, and effectively achieving your goals. The comprehensive, multi-phase program allows you to unlock new potential by establishing superior self-management.

To begin we will utilize our psychological assessment. The Profile Evaluation System (PES) is an exceptional tool that characterizes individuals on a number of psychological traits that are important for job performance. Discover more about the PES and how it can help your organization.

Like all of our developmental programs, your road to more effective personal productivity begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of the LMI Process and our developmental approach. Your complete buy-in to the notions of multi-sensory learning, spaced repetition and the power of goal setting is vital to successfully completing the program.

Contact Malcolm Gurley
Phone (416) 669-7644


Name Effective Personal Productivity

Start Date 10/19/2023 2:00 am

Location To be determined Greater Toronto Area Ontario

Program Effective Personal Productivity

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