Building Financial Success
This course contains no magic formula for producing wealth. It does, however, provide you with some basic financial concepts that relate to earnings, savings and investments. It presents workable, proven guidelines for the formulation of plans to achieve financial goals. It provides tools you may use to increase and sustain personal motivation to achieve your goals for earnings, savings, and investments. Designed with eleven core lessons geared to balance your self-image and money building consciousness. Develop an action plan, managing cashflow, and leveraging untapped profitable opportunities. You and your family will discover the fundamentals to successful, and calculated risk taking while discovering new, unlimited resources of opportunities.
What did you get from the program?
- Support from the LMI Facilitator (if requested) guides the Participant’s day-to-day application of the learnin
- Complete resource materials allow multi-sensory learning
- Eleven interactive sessions are facilitated in convenient bi-weekly workshops
- Participants present key results and a summary of course accomplishments at a special Graduation Meeting. Certificates are awarded
Course content – What you will learn
- Concepts of Success, Motivation & Attitude Changes
- Success as Related to Past Conditioning
- Attitude and Habits – The Effective Motivators
- The Power of Goal Setting
- Your Innate Potential for Wealth
- What Is Financial Success?
- What Building Financial Success Means to you
- The Possibilities for Wealth
- Money as an Idea
- Discovering Who You Are
- The Effect of Self – Image on Values
- Building Self – Confidence for Growth and Success
- The Feeling of Financial Freedom
- Goal Setting for Building Financial Success
- Visualization, Desire, and Determination
- The Tenth Multiple
- The Savings Attitude
- A Single Thousand
- A Thousand a Year
- Accelerated Rates of Return
- The Key Ingredient – Patience!
- The Need for a Plan
- A Tax Philosophy
- Maintaining Some Cash Reserves
- Insurance Plans
- Home Ownership
- Retirement Plans
- A Comprehensive Financial Plan
- Identifying Your Basic Values
- Defining Goals
- The Goal – Setting Process
- Taking Action
- A Support System for Action
- Mastering Personal Finances
- Thinking Ahead
- Predicting Needs
- Meeting Cash Needs
- Managing by Strategy
- What Type of Investor Are You?
- Defining Goals for Investment
- Establishing an Investment Program
- Your Own Business
- Other Investment Opportunities
- Use the Expertise of Financial Consultants!
- The Purpose of Leverage
- Handling Outside Circumstances
- Leverage Strategies
- Sources of Leverage Funds
- The Nature of Growth
- The Role of Attitudes
- The Need for Security
- Successful Risk Taking
- Opportunity Unlimited
- The Art of Generosity
- Commitment and Values
- You Can’t Take It With You!
- Estate Planning
- Enjoy Your Financial Success and Multiply It Through Others
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